You can change the filenames and extension, introduce numbering for the selected files. Navigate to the folder whose files you wish to rename. When you open CKRename you will see a Windows Explorer like interface to the left. Download it from Batch renaming in CKRename It gives you a variety of options, like prefixing, suffixing, selective renaming etc. Let's briefly take a look at a batch renaming software called CKRename. If your ripping software does not have the option, spend a couple of minutes in renaming the MP3s manually. While ripping from your CDs, set the preferences in your ripping software to name the files starting with a word that describes them, like the album or artist name. A simple solution is to name the tracks with something more descriptive than an uninformative track001! It gets irritating if you are looking for one particular song amongst a 100. Your MP3 player, even if it recognizes ID3 tags, will display the artist and title, but the sorting may not always be according to the tag. On Winamp or Windows Media Player, this is not a problem as they identify ID3 tags (bearing artist and album information) and not to mention, the easy navigation. Most players display files according to the filename-you will have files called track001.mp3 if that's how your ripping software names them. But there are optimisations that you can try out to make music listening a more pleasurable experience. Of course you can simply drag and drop or use a syncing software to transfer your songs. But getting your hands dirty with details and feature sets is what separates the boys from the geeks. Almost every gadget available today can be used with little or no calibration.